Celebrity Photos Fashion

Monday, November 22, 2010


My sister, Hanne-col tagged me. Thank you, sis! 

First off the rules: 

1. Answer the seven questions. 2. Come up with your own seven questions. 3. Tag seven people.  

1. If you could choose one fictional character (book or movie) to sit down and chat with, who would it be?

What a hard question. Maybe Sherlock Holmes, as I love mysteries and trying to think like Holmes to solve things. =) I would just love to ask him questions! 

2. What is your favorite music group or singer?

I'm more of a soundtrack girl. =) I do like Heather McCready, Charlie Zahm, Roy Rogers, and Deanna Durbin. And for Christmas music, as Christmas is coming up,  Amy Grant, Faith Hill, and Josh Groban. 

3. What is your favorite meal/dish/food?

I love chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn/ or green beans for dinner. Yum. 

4. What's your favorite pair of shoes?

Either my black pumps, or cowgirl boots. 

5. What's your favorite hymn?

This is My Father's World

6. Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? Which is your favorite?

Milk Chocolate!!! I use to like white chocolate best, but now I can't stand it! I also didn't use to like dark chocolate, but now I love the stuff!! =D

7. Did you ever love to play with paper dolls? If so, is there a certain time period (not when they were made but what time period their, oh well portraying or something on that line) that dominates your collection?

Yes, I have played with paper dolls! My collection is made up of mostly American Civil War (War Between the States) paper dolls and the American Girl paper dolls. Did any of you have the American Girl paper doll computer program? I had it growing up and would design tons of clothing for my paper dolls. :) 

My seven questions:

1. What did you want to be growing up?

2. What is your favorite color?

3. What was/is your favorite subject in School?

4. What is your favorite Christmas song/ album?

5. If you could live in any era for week, what era would it be?

6. What countries have you been too? And what is your dream countries to visit?

7. What was your favorite toy growing up?

I tag:

Everyone who reads this blog. :) You can answer in the comments, or post it on your blog. If you do it on your blog, please share the link with me. As I would LOVE to read your answers! =D



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Celebrity Photos Fashion