Celebrity Photos Fashion

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spongebob Squarpant

Spongebob SquarpantFriends Spongebob Squarpant

Spongebob SquarpantHappy Spongebob Squarpant

Spongebob SquarpantSpongebob Squarpant

Spongebob SquarpantSpongebob Squarpant

Spongebob SquarpantSpongebob Squarpant






Saturday, January 30, 2010


Fantacy Doraemon



Cool Doraemon

Doraemon Nobita

Doraemon Friend

Marvel Heroes

Marvel HeroesThe Marvel

Marvel HeroesMarvel Heroes

Marvel HeroesMarvel Heroes

Marvel HeroesMarvel Heroes

Marvel HeroesMarvel Heroes

WIFD - Day 7

Hello ladies! It is the last day of WIFD and I'm sad to see it end, but it was fun! :) Today I wore my Old Hollywood inspired jeans. You can read on how I made them here.

~What I'm Wearing~
Red button down shirt - Eddie Bauer Outlet
Old Hollywood inspired jeans - Made by me
Tan Wedges - Target
Layer Necklace - Kohl's 



Friday, January 29, 2010


DisneyDisney Cinderela

DisneyDisney Princess


DisneyWalt Disney

DisneyDisney Princess

WIFD - Day 6

Today I wore one of my favorite outfits while I baked bread and sewed today.

~What I'm Wearing~
Kilt - given to me
Blouse - IZOD
White T-shirt - Kohl's 
Stripe Tights - Kohl's
Layered Necklace - Bass Shoe Outlet
Black Flats - Naturalizer

I also have a class this evening at Church. When I go out I'll wear the following:
Navy Blue Wool Coat - Target
Purple purse - JCPenny
Pink Hat - JCPenny
Cream Fingerless Gloves - Target

Country Tag by Rebecca!

I was tagged by Rebecca over at "Singing in His Name" .

First off the rules:
1. Do a quick post about the person that tagged you saying thanks
2. Answer the 10 questions
3. Follow 3 new blogs and list them.
4. Tag 6 people
5. Challenge one person to do something fun or crazythe 10 questions:

1: Have you ever been to a rodeo? I think I have seen one at a state fair!
2: Have you ever tried to ride a cow? No.
3: Have you ever milked a cow or goat? No.
4: Have you ever been to a Demolition Derby? No.
5: What is your favorite Country song? Uh... I really do not know... Anything sung by Roy Rogers! :D
6: Do you like to hunt? No, but I have always wanted to.
7: Have you ever cooked your breakfast over an open fire in your backyard? No, but I have played that I was doing it.
8: Have you ever thought that the muck was shallow and when you stepped in it, you sank knee deep? No!!
9: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? The Jamestown 400 Treasure hunt. (See Ashley's tag for links on it. ;) )
10: (The question is optional) What's one of your most embarrassing moments? Probably being asked in a class to answer a question, and I could not think of ANYTHING! The worst part about it was that everyone was looking at me. 

I'm not sure if I can think of any new blogs to follow... 

I tag:
Natasha Atkerson over at "What I Wear, What I Do, and Why I Did it."  
Hanne-col at "A Rainbow of Thoughts" (Sorry her blog is a private blog.) :) 
I can not think of someone that hasn't been taged already so, anyone who reads this blog tag yourselves! :D 


Random Friday

I picked up my first ever issue of the Victoria Magazine when I was at Joann Fabrics this past week-end. And I love it! I highly recommended the magazine to anyone who loves old fashioned things. Well, I want to point out one article in the magazine for today's post called, Cameo Valentines. These valentines are winsome, vintage looking, and quite charming. And might I add, very romantic. :D

Cameo Valentines Project

image from: victoriamag.com

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Spider Man

Spider ManSpider Man

Spider ManSpider Man

Spider ManSpider Man

Spider ManUltimate Spider Man

Spider ManSpider Man

What I'm liking Fashion Wise....

On Monday I went to Target with one of my sisters and mom. While there I saw some lovely things. Target is fast becoming a favorite place for me to shop at for accessories, shoes, and some clothing. One of the main things I saw that I really liked are jeweled headbands. They are so cute.

Here is a set I created of some of my favorite things from Target. Making a set was much easier then posting a bunch of pictures. ;-)

Do you like to shop at Target? If so, what are liking right now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry Concerto

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Tom And JerryCartoon Tom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry

Tom And JerryTom And Jerry
Celebrity Photos Fashion